Father | Donald Glenorchy McDonald1 b. 6 Mar 1878, d. 12 May 1953 |
Mother | Alice Euphemia Steer1 b. 17 Aug 1880, d. 18 Sep 1957 |
Birth, Death, Marriage | |
Irene Gladys 'Sis' McDonald was born on 4 April 1903 in Brunswick, Victoria; younger of twins.1,2 | |
She married Thomas James Phillips, son of John Phillips and Ellen O'Loughlin, on 9 September 1922 in Essendon, Victoria.3 | |
She died on 17 July 1987 in Shepparton, Victoria, at age 84.4 |
Family | Thomas James Phillips b. 2 May 1897, d. 8 Dec 1980 |
Children |
Story | |
Irene was known as Sis throughout her life. Sis and her older identical twin sister Nene (Doris), spent their first decade in Swan Hill and their second in Nyah. Sis married Tom Phillips and the couple set up home in Shepparton where they raised a family of six. She supported Tom in their many business ventures, mostly pubs. They ran, and lived in, the Hotel Australia in Shepparton for 35 years. Despite having one lung removed in her mid-30s, Sis had fairly good health up to her death at age 84. | |
Doris May and Irene Gladys were born at 91 Sutherland St in Brunswick on 4 April 1903. They were the second and third children of Alice, the oldest two children of Donald and the oldest to reach adulthood. Doris was the older of the identical twins. Doris was known as Nene and Irene was known as Sis.5,6,2,7 | |
When Alice Steer was expecting twins, she moved from Echuca back to her parents' family home in Lake Boga. For the birth, she went to a lying-in home at Sutherland St in Brunswick. It was run by Mrs Mary Morris, a qualified and certified midwife who welcomed unmarried mothers.8,7,2 | |
A lying-in home was a private home or hospital where mothers could give birth with the help of a midwife.9 | |
On returning to the family home in Lake Boga, Alice's sisters helped with their new twin nieces. Beatrice recalls rocking them in an old rocking chair.10 | |
The 'Twinnies' Identical twins, Nene and Sis were called by their auntie, Lucy Bell, the 'Twinnies'.11 | |
The Twinnies weren't too fussed about birthdays. While official records show Nene was the older of the twins, in early 1996 she said she always thought that Sis was older. And in April 2012, Sis's daughter, Irene Barnes, posted a picture of Nene on Facebook with the note: Aunty Nene celebrated her birthday on the 2nd but Mama [Sis] celebrated on the 4th ... The twins!1,11,12 | |
Auntie Nene is asked down the street "How's Tom? How's your boy, Laurie?". Nene says 'Oh, they're fine thanks'. [Rene Barnes]13 | |
The twins' parents soon set up home on Pental Island. This was near Lake Boga where their mother's family lived and Swan Hill where their father's family lived. Their parents were share dairy farming, and their mother helped milk 70 cows by hand. She used to take the twins to the shed with her and put them in a big box, they could stand but not walk.10 | |
Then Dougal was born; Mum [Alice's sister Beatrice] had to help to look after them [twins Nene and Sis]. Then Violet (Bub); she was only six weeks old when Alice was back milking. One morning a cow attacked her, she tried to get over the fence but wasn't quick enough, the cow's horns caught her. She was taken to hospital and had about 60 stitches; she was very lucky and got over it ok. She kept the baby in hospital with her. Mum had to look after the others with the help of a neighbour.10 | |
Alice once fell in a fire resulting in a bent little finger (just visible in the photo with the twins) and missing part of her thumb (in the photo with Bub).11 | |
Parents' Late Marriage | |
Alice Euphemia Steer and Donald Glenorchy McDonald were married in Swan Hill on 12 May 1910. They had four children, all born before the marriage, between 1903 and 1908. The marriage was conducted by John Stewart Drummond, a presbyterian minister. Neither of the two witnesses, Ernest Gerald Gray and Donald Urquhart, were family; Gray was the registrar for Swan Hill. Because of the delayed marriage, the twins were originally registered under the name Steer, though they were always referred to as McDonalds. No father's name was provided for the original registration of twins Doris and Irene, but Donald's name was added as the father when these two births were re-registered in June 1943. Donald McDonald is shown as the father for Donald (jnr) and Violet. It says something about the Australian treatment of names that the four children, Doris, Irene, Donald and Violet were always known as Nene, Sis, Dougal and Bub. While we don't have any photos of the wedding, we do have a photo of the three eldest children that could have been taken at the time.14,15,7,2,1,16 | |
Around 1912, Donald moved from dairy farming on Pental Island to being a butcher in Swan Hill, and for a short time around 1914, the family lived in Swan Hill. In the 1909 electoral rolls, Donald is a dairy farmer, on his 1910 marriage registration he is a labourer, and in the 1912 electoral rolls he is for the first time shown as a butcher. In the 1912 and 1913 electoral rolls, Alice gives her residence as Pental Island, but in 1914 she is 'c/o Renkin Bros, Swan Hill'. Renkin Brothers were butchers.17,15,18,19,20,21 | |
[Florence Renkin, daughter of Robert George Renkin, butcher, was born two weeks before Violet and appears with Violet's birth registration.] | |
Donald snr remained a butcher for the rest of his working life. By September 1914, the family was living in Nyah.22 | |
Swan Hill to Nyah by Ballast Train According to Nene and Bub, the family travelled on the ballast train when they moved house from Swan Hill to Nyah. The line was being built from Swan Hill to Piangil, through Nyah West (or Nyah Rail as it was then known) around 1914. It must have been quite a sight and adventure for the four young children to have all the family's belongings piled onto a railway wagon.11,23,24 | |
With Donald a butcher, meat would have been readily available, though most sold to support the family and perhaps a growing drinking habit. A treat might have been Murray Cod from the nearby Murray River, or a rabbit. The four children attended the local school in Nyah. We walked 3/4 mile to get to school. We sometimes took a shortcut through the swampy paddock, but snakes were a problem. [Nene Courtie]11,24 | |
Entertainment for the children was based on whatever was available. As a young girl she would paddle in the channel, catch yabbies and race horses with her twin sister and two other siblings ... Nene tells the story of how, with Sis and their 'Auntie Beat', they once walked across Lake Boga. [Beatrice was only ten years older than her nieces Nene and Sis.]25,11 | |
The children helped with the butcher shop. Bub remembers delivering the meat on her bay-coloured horse, Paddy, from Nyah to Wood Wood, about 7 km to the North. Dad loved horses, but had an aggressive streak. I once mentioned to him that Paddy had misbehaved the previous day. He attacked Paddy so viciously, I deeply regretted saying anything. [Bub Williams] Dad drank too much. Mum once asked me to go and get him because he'd had an accident while delivering the meat. I found the cart upside down, and Dad sore, sorry and slightly drunk. [Bub Williams]26 | |
LOST from Nyah Two Bull Calves, red and white, one branded TC on rump. £1 reward. Don McDonald, Butcher, Nyah. [Mar 1918]27 | |
Through a combination of drink and poor management, Donald snr lost the butcher shop, and most of the family moved to Preston. There are unknowns relating to the family's last years in Nyah. The first relates to a report in On 'This Bend' of the River, where in May 1919: New butcher shop at Nyahwest in Gray Street, built by AN Lewis for McDonalds of Nyah. No family member has ever mentioned living in Nyah West, only Nyah. And the electoral rolls for 1921 show Donald in Nyah. Another mystery relates to a photo showing 'McDonald Bros, Butchers'. Being a family photo, it would be our McDonalds. And the photographer's shadow shows an old vehicle, so the photo was not just a more recent photo of an old building. The brother would be Herbert William, as electoral rolls show him as a labourer living in Nyah West at the time. But the butcher shop was established in 1921 and in Nyah, which appears to contradict that McDonalds had a new butcher shop in Nyah West in 1919. The shop appears to have living quarters behind it, which fits with electoral rolls showing them in Nyah at the time. A third mystery is Nyah Cafe next door, and the names 'I&D McDonald'. The initials don't match any of Donald's siblings or any other McDonald in the electoral rolls. The only I and D McDonald we know of are Irene and Doris. They would have been about 18 years old, but not yet on the electoral rolls. But no one in the family, including Nene (Doris), has ever mentioned a cafe in Nyah.28,29,30 | |
A highlight on the family's social calendar was the annual Nyah picnic sports day. Held on New Years Day, the social gathering drew people from all around the region, including a large contingent from Swan Hill. A popular location was the Nyah recreation reserve on the bank of the Murray. At night, dances would be held in any available hall. During the war, the day was used as a fundraiser for the war effort, for the Red Cross, and also to help returned wounded Nyah soldiers. The 1916 event featured athletics and swimming. In the girls' under 14 race, the McDonald twins came first and second. Their father, Donald, was one of two judges on the day.31,32 | |
Nene and Sis were both good runners. In 1917 & 18 she [Nene] won the Ladies Nyah Gift when she was 13 & 14 years old. A book presentation prize has this inscription - 'Donated by JT Millen "Roseville" Swan Hill to the Nyah Red Cross Sports - January 1917 won by Miss Doris McDonald of Nyah.' Nene said that on both occasions her prize was a book, and the following year she won a hat. When asked how Sis went, Nene replied 'She came second'. In 1985, the local Lions Club got the sports day up and running again, and in 1990 Nene visited for old time's sake. When here, she was given the honour of presenting the winners of the Nyah Gift and Sam Jeans Memorial race with their sash and prizes.32 | |
Piano Nene and Sis both played piano, passing their 'Primary Pianoforte' exam in December 1917 in the Kerang centre of the London School of Music: ... Doris McDonald, Nyah (Miss I Colling, ALCM); Irene McDonald, Nyah (Miss I Colling, ALCM) ... They passed their 'Elementary Pianoforte' exam in June 1918.33,34 | |
Four McDonald Children The occasion for this photo is not known. | |
Marriage and Family Irene Gladys McDonald and Thomas James Phillips were married at St Monica's Roman Catholic church in Essendon on 9 September 1922. Tom was 25 and Sis was 19 (the registration shows 20) and she was married 'with the written consent of Donald Glenorchy McDonald, father of the bride'. They had six children. Sis lived for a time at the home of Tom's sister, Teresa (Tess) O'Loughlin at 5 Glen St, Essendon as they prepared for the marriage, and this is her 'usual address' on the marriage registration. Tom was Catholic, but Sis was not, so Tess and her family helped with her conversion to Catholicism. Witnesses to the marriage were John and Mary Phillips, Tom's brother and sister.35,3 | |
Around the time of the marriage, Tom took Sis and Nene to visit his parents in Bacchus Marsh. According to Nene, Ellen was nice, but John was 'a bit grumpy'.36 | |
Family Life Soon after their marriage, Sis and Tom moved to Shepparton. Apart from supporting Tom in his many business ventures, Sis raised six children; the three high-spirited oldest sons, Jack, Reg and Laurie, daughter Rene, and two more sons, Don and Brian. All of the children spent some of their early years at the family's Nixon St home before moving to the Pine Lodge Hotel in Shepparton East, then Orr St, and finally the Hotel Australia. In her free time, Sis loved to dance, and was known to play bowls.37,38,39 | |
Maude St Home | |
First child Jack was born in Shepparton in March 1923. The 1924 electoral roll shows Tom Phillips at 46 Maude St, but does not show Sis; she may not have reached the voting age of 21. It is probable this is where they lived when Jack was born.40 | |
Nixon St and Swallow St Homes | |
In July 1924, 62 Nixon St was offered for sale and Tom bought it. It was described as a weatherboard cottage with 'five rooms, bath and vestibule, electric light, etc.' on a 66 ft by 148 ft 6 in block of land. [While Shepparton rates show Tom as the owner of 62 Nixon St from 1924, his name does not appear on the title until May 1929.] Second son Reg was born in Ascot Vale in Melbourne in August 1924. It is not known why Reg was born in Melbourne. Third son, Laurence Lloyd arrived in 1925. At this time, according to the birth registration and electoral roll, the family was living temporarily at 7 Swallow St. As the rate books still show Tom as owner of the Nixon St house, perhaps it was being renovated for the new arrival, or expanded to accommodate the growing family at the time.41,42,43,44,45 | |
Mr TJ Phillips, of Nixon St, is recovering from an operation in Una hospital. [May 1933]47 | |
In March 1928, Tom put the family's Nixon St house up for sale. It was advertised as having six rooms (one more than when purchased in 1924), bathroom, washhouse and electric light. Terms were half cash, £100 in six months, balance in 30 months and 6½ per cent interest. It wasn't sold. Between 1924 and 1931, the address (in the Shepparton rates or electoral roll) is 62 Nixon St. From 1933 to 1937, it is 16 Nixon St. They didn't move, this was due to streets being renumbered. The youngest three children, Rene, Don and Brian, were born while the family was in the Nixon St home. All six children spent some of their time growing up in Nixon St, though for the youngest Brian, not very long.48,49,50,51,43,52,45 | |
A newspaper report on 10 October 1929 stated: Friends will be sorry to learn that Mrs T Phillips, Nixon Street, Shepparton, is seriously ill and is at present a patient in the Guilford Hospital. [Shepparton Advertiser] Daughter Rene was born the following day at the Guilford [or Guildford] Hospital.53,54,55 | |
The Nixon St property was transferred to Thomas James Phillips, billiard saloon proprietor, on 30 May 1929. It was soon mortgaged to William Charles Tuttle. The mortgage was discharged on 9 December 1937 and the property sold for £150 on 25 February 1938.45,37 | |
Children's Catholic Education The five oldest children went to St Brendan's primary school in Shepparton. Around 1936, Jack and Reg went to Assumption College in Kilmore where they boarded. Laurie followed a couple of years later. Jack and Laurie also spent a year or two at Sacred Heart College in Shepparton. | |
Pine Lodge Hotel | |
The family had their first taste of what life could be like while living in a pub, when they moved into the Pine Lodge Hotel in Shepparton East in 1938. The three older boys were boarding at Assumption College in Kilmore, returning three times a year during school holidays. At home they lived in an old cable car under the peppercorn tree. In summer the mosquitoes were so bad they burned cow pats to keep them away.56,57,58 | |
When Mum was driving in in the Fargo ute with Jack, Reg and me in the back, one of us would yell out 'Duck!' as we went under the peppercorn tree. Then we all laughed when she did. After a while she did it anyway. Someone would say 'She's done it again!' [Laurie Phillips] While at the hotel, Rene and Don went to the nearby Shepparton East school. Brian had not yet started school. There were cigarette machines at the Shepp East hotel. You put sixpence in for a chance at getting a pack of ten cigarettes. At one stage the lads and I tipped one of the machines upside down to get at the cigarettes. [Jack Phillips] While Tom was busy running the business, it was also a busy time for Sis. As well as looking after the children and the usual domestic duties, she worked the bar and kitchen. And she made time to be involved with community activities. During the war, Tom bought a 1938 Studebaker 'President' from Hank the Yank. This became the family car and was used on holidays.57,56,59,60 | |
Margaret Sellwood (Lee) remembers Tom & Sis Phillips visiting Beatrice and the family in a big flash American car (the Studebaker) when they lived in Lake Boga. She was about five years old and commented that 'It was like they were from another world'.61 | |
Around 1939, Effie Lee stayed with her cousin Sis Phillips and the family at the Pine Lodge Hotel where Tom found work for her. Effie greatly enjoyed being with Tom, Sis and the three youngest children, Rene, Don and Brian (the oldest three were at boarding school in Kilmore). The camera recorded an occasion when they all dressed up for a day at the Shepparton Show. There were two Albanians known as Sam and Louie who did work for Tom and lived at the back of the hotel. They made a necklace with intricate beadwork for Rene and another for Effie. Rene still had her necklace 80 years later.62,13,63 | |
Tom and Sis left the Pine Lodge Hotel in early 1940 after Tom gave up his licence, though he still owned the hotel through 1941.43 | |
Tom's Work Even when not living in a hotel, sometimes Tom's work affected home life. | |
Most of Tom's recorded SP bookmaking activity was during his time at the billiard saloons. At this time, the family was living at Nixon St. One day when Don and I were playing outside at Nixon St, Mum had papers and books and was hiding them under logs of wood. She told us to 'keep nit'. [Rene Barnes] Keep nit: An expression directed to a lookout, to keep a watchful eye out for the law during illegal operations. See also Nit Keeper and Cockatoo. [Australian Slang Dictionary] Tom was also a licensed bookmaker, for dogs (greyhounds) and possibly trotters. Pop [Tom] was once a licensed bookmaker, but later he was not allowed to have the licence for both the hotel and the bookmaking so he gave up the bookmaker licence. He used to book at the Showgrounds (dogs and trots), but liked the gallops most. [Jack Phillips] Dad was a dogs bookie at the showgrounds, but I don't think he was ever a horse bookie. This was when we were at Nixon St, before Assumption. I was maybe 10-13 years old. [Laurie Phillips]64,38,65,59,66 | |
When Papa [Tom] came home from a meeting he would take out all the big money and bigger coins and put the bag in a cupboard. Enter Jack, Reg, Laurie and we get the bag and shake the hell out of it hoping for loose change. Many times a trizzie, threepence, a zac, sixpence, and if real lucky a deana, a shilling, might fall out. Divided three ways wasn't a lot but it bought us a few lollies. Those were the days. [Laurie Phillips]67 | |
Major Lung Operation | |
Around 1940, Sis had a major operation in which one lung was removed. It came about suddenly following a haemorrhage. Sis was taken from Shepparton to a hospital in East Melbourne, possibly St Vincents or St Ives, where the operation took place. This may have been around November1940 when Sis spent three weeks in Una hospital. The three eldest boys, Jack, Reg and Laurie were at Assumption College in Kilmore at the time. One day at morning rosary the Brothers announced to everyone that the boys' mother was about to have a serious operation and that they should all say a few prayers for them. The family rallied around to help. Sis's mum came up from Melbourne to help look after Rene, Don & Brian. Tom's sister Eileen came up from near Bacchus Marsh. Sis spent time recovering at the home of her sister-in-law Tess in Essendon. And her sister Bub helped out with the kids and housework when Sis returned home.68,69,70,71,72,73 | |
Sis came to Melbourne for her lung operation, recuperating at Tess's place in Essendon. Unfortunately for Sis, the old tin bath had just had a coat of white paint, so when she got out, sensitive parts of her were also coated white. She noted that having a lung removed was nothing compared to having paint removed from her backside. [Marge Deveney]74 | |
These photos were likely taken at Orr St while Sis was recouperating. | |
Sightseeing in 1940 Around 1940, Jack and Ruby were on a sightseeing trip with Tom, Sis and youngest son Brian. This was around the time Sis had her lung operation. Photos show they went in Tom's Studebaker and visited a koala park, but details of the trip are unknown. | |
Following her lung operation, Sis had holidays to Nauru and Tasmania with Alice.36,75 | |
Court House Hotel Tom started working at the Court House Hotel in December 1942. He was initially bar manager and later house manager. Sis also worked there for a short time. Mr TJ Phillips has resumed duty at the Court House Hotel, following a week’s sojourn with friends on the River Murray. [May 1943] Mr TJ Phillips of the Court House hotel, will leave today on an extended vacation. [May 1944] Tom left the Court House Hotel later in 1944.76,77,38,78,79 | |
Orr Street Home Tom bought the weatherboard residence at 77 Orr St from Mr Ben Seth in July 1941, though the family likely lived there earlier. Between moving out of the Pine Lodge Hotel in early 1940 and into the Orr St home, the family lived in a house in Nixon St, near Harold St. Yes it [77 Orr St] was a good stopover house at that time. You boys were all away in services then. Mum wasn't at all well when we were there, we had help in the house and Dad was at the Court House hotel mostly. Heaps of memories, some good some not so good. [Rene Barnes]80,38,81,57,82 ![]() Back: Sis Phillips, Val Irwin; front: Brian, Don & Rene Phillips, 77 Orr St, Shepparton, c. 1942 Image: Laurie & Lorraine Phillips | |
When they bought the Hotel Australia, they kept the Orr St house which the whole family called home until at least mid-1945. And years later, two sons lived there after they married.83,84 | |
Mrs E Phillips, accompanied by her daughter in law, Mrs Jack Phillips, has been spending a few days with her son, Mr TJ Phillips, of Orr street. They returned to Bacchus Marsh this morning. [Mar 1945]84 | |
Sons' Military Service Jack, Reg and Laurie all served in the Second World War, Jack in the RAAF, and Reg and Laurie in the RAN. Sis was naturally concerned for their safety, and when the three were considering which service to join, Sis reportedly considered the Navy to be the least risky. This influenced Reg and Laurie's decisions; but Jack was keen to be a pilot.85 | |
Miss Rene Phillips Honored Friends of Miss Rene Phillips tendered her a cream and green kitchen tea on Tuesday evening in the Star supper room in view of her approaching marriage to Mr Keith Barnes. On entering, Mrs Phillips and Rene, who chose a mauve light weight woollen frock for the occasion were presented with sprays of roses by Misses Betty Pryde and Val Skelton. Dancing was enjoyed to the music of Miss Mary Taylor and Mr Ray Stiles. Mr Kevin Newton and Mr Ray Nickolson provided solos. Mr Nickolson accompanied himself on the ukellele. He also acted as MC. Mr Nickolson presented Miss Phillips with a table of beautiful gifts. Rene suitably responded. At 12 o'clock Mrs TJ Phillips and her twin sister, Mrs J Courtey [sic: Courtie], were wished a happy birthday. The evening concluded with a delicious supper and the traditional 'Auld Lang Syne.' [Apr 1951]86 | |
Hotel Australia | |
The Hotel Australia became home to the Phillips family in mid-1945 after a move from Orr St, though Tom had signed the lease in November 1944. Sis was keen to move in but Tom insisted that her sister Bub would need to help out first. At the time, Jack, Reg and Laurie were about 21, 20 and 19. Jack and Reg were serving in the Second World War and Laurie was about to do the same. Rene was about 15, Don 13 and Brian 8, and so were still at school. Jack, Reg and Laurie moved into the hotel as they returned from the war, so Jack around February 1946, Reg March 1946 and Laurie January 1947.81,13,83,87,88,89 | |
May Jones was officially the laundress, but she was also an excellent cook. She used to give regular cook Mrs Chatterton the day off on a Wednesday. Everyone, Phillips family and long-term residents, looked forward to Wednesday night, when her fricassee of lamb, braised steak and onions and all sorts of other delicacies were so good they had trouble deciding which to have. The 'Cupboard' was a small room under the stairwell where after hours drinking would occur, often well into the night. Unfortunately for Sis, the stairwell was near their bedroom causing many a disrupted sleep.13 | |
When the drinkers got a bit rowdy while drinking late at night in the 'Cupboard', Sis would drop a little soap into one of their pots. She said 'you get to be a pretty good shot after a while'. [Rene Barnes] One night a few of the boys were there [the 'Cupboard'] drinking and making a bit too much noise. At about 1am Mrs Phillips opened the hatch and dropped a briquette through. Unfortunately for Brian Tresize, it landed on his head and knocked him out cold. [Tom Carey]90,13,91 | |
THEFTS FROM HOTEL Found guilty in Shepparton General Sessions yesterday on four charges of larceny of a wireless set and several suit cases of clothing from the Australia Hotel on January 9, Lawrence Noel Chambers (37), motor mechanic, of Belmore road, Burwood, NSW, was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment on each of the first three counts and 14 days on the fourth count. ... Chambers was charged with having stolen a case containing coats and trousers the property of Mr TJ Phillips; with having stolen a wireless set the property of Mr W. Keighley; with having stolen a case and some shirts and singles the property of Mr L McKeand; with having stolen a bar of chocolate, a sum of money and some peanuts from Miss I Phillips. ... Mr Cussen, outlining the evidence of the prosecution, said that the accused entered four bedrooms in the Hotel Australia occupied by the proprietor, Mr T Phillips, his daughter, Miss Phillips, Mr W Keighley and Mr L McKeand and stole articles from each room. ... [Feb 1947]92 | |
The family's living arrangements changed as the children married. Reg was first to wed, marrying Madge in March 1948, and they lived in the Orr St home. Jack was best man, Laurie was groomsman and Rene was bridesmaid. In 1952 they returned to the hotel with baby Michael and stayed until soon after Susan was born in 1953, when they moved into their newly constructed home in Maude St. Rene was second to marry, and in 1951 moved to Warrnambool with new husband Keith Barnes. Laurie closely followed Rene, when later in 1951 he married Lorraine and they moved into a home in Maude St. Jack married Cass in 1952 and they moved into the Orr St home, prompting Reg and Madge to return to the hotel.13,93 | |
Don and Marion married in 1958 and initially moved out. They made the hotel their home around 1964 and remained there with sons Trevor and Paul until around 1973. Brian and Maureen married in 1968 and daughter Peta was born when they lived in the hotel. The three moved out around 1972.94 | |
When Don and his family moved out around 1973, it marked the first time Tom, now in his early seventies and Sis, in her late sixties, had no immediate family living with them. | |
When Doc Kennedy visited Tom when he was crook, he'd take a bottle of Scotch upstairs with him. When asked on his return a few hours later how Tom was, Doc would say 'he was in good spirits when I saw him'. [Rene Barnes]13 | |
In 1979, the Phillips family sold any interest in the Hotel Australia, and Tom and Sis moved out. Tom was 82 and Sis was 76.37 | |
Holidays To and From Hotel Australia The first newspaper report found of visits by relatives to the Hotel Australia was in January 1947 when Tom's niece Pat Simmons visited her cousin Rene. In February 1949, Tom's brother Larry continued his hairdressing duties in Swan Hill while wife Ruby and son Allan visited for a week.95,96 | |
In 1948 Laurie, Sis and Ruby Phillips went on holiday to Lakes Entrance. It is more likely that Jack rather than brother Tom took the photo. | |
The first newspaper report found of Tom or Sis having a holiday from the Hotel Australia is in May 1949 when Sis returned from Albury. Tom's first reported holiday is in January 1950 when he and Sis went to Bacchus Marsh for a fortnight. In January the following year they stayed in Melbourne. In May 1951, Tom's mother Ellen stayed at the hotel after Tom and Sis returned with her from a three week touring holiday in Adelaide. Ellen died four weeks later. In August 1951, Sis had a short holiday with Rene and Keith in Warrnambool. They had married in April. In May 1952, both Tom and Sis stayed with Rene and Keith where they attended the Warrnambool races. On the return trip, accompanied by friend Dr Jack Kennedy, they attended the Bendigo races. They visited again and attended the races in February 1953, this time returning to Shepparton with Rene, Keith and baby son Warren.97,98,99,100,101,102,103 | |
[There are no readily available newspaper reports of holidays after mid-1953 when the Shepparton Advertiser was purchased by the Shepparton News.] | |
In at least the last ten years at the hotel, Tom and Sis would head up north in winter to the Broadbeach Hotel in Queensland for a holiday and to escape the cold.13 | |
The Hotel Australia as a workplace supported all five sons at various times. Jack, Reg and Laurie began working there as they returned from serving in the Second World War. Don and Brian worked elsewhere for a couple of years after finishing school before working at the pub. With five sons, Tom could share the physical workload. He had developed heart problems when serving in the First World War and so had limited physical ability. And Sis was limited having had a lung removed a few years earlier.83,105 | |
Bill Condon, racing expert: The Phillips boys perpetrated many pranks on former Shepparton News reporter and later Sporting Globe racing expert Bill Condon. He raced to more hoax 'fatals' at his peril, and went out to see more gelded sires than any other newsman in known history. Yet for all his naivety, he was still a brilliant journalist, according to the boys. Tiny Moylan and the cellar: One night, locksmith genius, wag and trick cyclist Leo 'Tiny' Moylan, the only man who could ride a bike down Mt Major backwards mounted on the handlebars, rode into the cellar in the 'snake pit' before a crowd of patrons crying with laughter.37 | |
Renovations in 1962-1963 allowed the hotel to run large functions. The ground floor central area between the public and saloon bars was gutted, with provision for a new modern entrance foyer, large lounge and dining room. There were also new and enlarged toilet blocks in all sections and changes to outbuildings including store rooms. Functions varied from formal to entertainment, with weddings the main part of the business. They were run by Don's wife Marion. Brian's wife Maureen could take over if Marion was unavailable. Other functions included a reception for Sir Rohan Delacombe (Governor of Victoria) as part of an RSL function, a football (handball) competition, and Tom's favourite, the Can Can Cabaret. Tom had a special connection with France from his First World War service.106,107,108,109,37 | |
TJ Phillips & Sons was formed in mid-1948 after Tom Phillips and his family purchased the Hotel Australia, having leased it from Dunnes since November 1944 for £25 a week. Initially there were no partners in the business. In August 1948, Tom's licence was transferred to the new partnership of TJ Phillips & Sons, consisting of Tom and the three eldest sons, Jack, Reg and Laurie. The first half of 1955 saw major changes in the company structure. In April 1955, they formed a proprietary limited company consisting of Tom, Sis, Jack, Laurie, Don and 19 year old Brian. Reg took his share from the earlier partnership to persue other business ventures. Sis was now a shareholder in the company for the first time, as were Don and Brian. Between them, Tom and Sis had a small majority share holding. Tom was nominee in the new company and Jack was company secretary. In 1963, an allotment of shares to Reg meant all five boys were shareholders simultaneously for the first time. After a small share allotment to Brian in 1967, this share allocation remained until liquidation. Tom's estate plus Sis now accounted for 47% of the shares, and the others held between 4% and 17%. In September 1979, the Hotel Australia licence was transferred from TJ Phillips & Sons to Biltel Hotels Pty Ltd. TJ Phillips & Sons was liquidated in November 1981.110,106,111,112,113 | |
[Tom Phillips had purchased the Hotel Australia in mid-1948 for £50,000 and in September 1979 the Phillips family's business was valued at over $1 million. Their investment had resulted in an average rate of return over a 30 year period of about 8%, well above inflation.] | |
Tom's Will Tom wrote a will in February 1962. As executors he named wife Irene Gladys and sons John Lawrence and Laurence Lloyd. His shares in TJ Phillips & Sons Pty Ltd were to be held and dividends paid to Sis during her lifetime. Upon her death, Brian was to get 2000 shares, Rene was to get 2000 shares and Reg was to get 500 shares. The remaining shares were to be divided equally between the six children. The balance of his estate, including proceeds from sale, was also to be divided equally between the six children.114 | |
Horses Tom was inaugural president of the Shepparton Jockey Club and a foundation member of the Goulburn Valley Trotting Club. Sis was also keen on horses and horse racing, and attended local races with Tom. At home, she always had her 'trannie' [transistor radio] nearby, and whenever it was switched on, you could hear a race being run.37,115,38 ![]() 1 - The Gatekeepers. 2 - Harry Mitchell with Mr and Mrs Alan Stuart. 3 - Section of crowd. 4 - The start of a race. 5 - Harry Williams, local bookmaker. 6 - The starter, Mr E Ryan of Wangaratta. 7 - Mr JV Shea, Stipe. 8 - Dick Lee of Mooroopna. 9 - Miss Margaret Harrington with Miss Joy Doonan. 10 Mrs Wannemacher Snr and Jnr of Numurkah. 11 - President of Shep Jockey Club, Tom Phillips (second from right) with members of committee. 12 - Mrs TJ Phillips waits for hubby, the busy president. 13 - The day is over and everyone has had a barrel of fun. Dec 1948 Image: Shepparton Advertiser | |
Tom later had an interest in several racehorses. As Tom said: I've owned so many horses I couldn't tell you half their names. The best we ever did was a third at Moonee Valley with Miss Lata. He owned some with his friend Doc Kennedy, including Lady Swan, and some with G Anderson, including Miss Lata. Others we know about are Jan Court, Potomac and Khorion. Lady Swan came third twice at Mooroopna in November 1947. Miss Lata raced between 1951 and 1953, and was trained by George Daniels. She had wins at Kyneton (1951), Bendigo (1951), Heathcote (1951), Tatura (Mar 1951), Benalla (Apr 1951), a Shepparton Cup meeting (probably at Mooroopna, Feb 1952 at odds of 4/1), Kyneton (Apr 1952), Bendigo (Jun 1952) and Heathcote (Jul 1952). Little known country rider, R Bolger, earned himself a nice wedding present by scoring a narrow win on Bendigo-trained Miss Lata in the Advanced Handicap at Heathcote races yesterday. Bolger, who held a trainer's licence for some time, will be married soon to Miss Jean Harper, of Bendigo. ... Bolger assists trainer George Daniels with his big team at White Hills, near Bendigo. (Jul 1952) Places are recorded at Woodend (2nd, Feb 1952), Bendigo (2nd, Apr 1952), Ballarat (2nd, Sep 1952), a Shepparton Jockey Club meeting (probably at Mooroopna, 2nd, Mar 1953), Elmore (3rd, May 1953), and a Shepparton Jockey Club charity meeting at Mooroopna (3rd, Jun 1953). It seems Tom and others would bet heavily when they thought it was in with a chance: Feature of the race was the plunge on Miss Lata, whose starting price was only a half of her opening quotation. (unplaced, Woodend, Jan 1953.)13,116,37,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132 | |
Jan Court had wins at Bendigo (Dec 1955) and Rochester (Nov 1956). Potomac had a win at Bendigo (Nov 1957) and a second at Mooroopna (Nov 1956).133,134,135 | |
Khorion was mostly raced as a trotter, but later Tom, Sis and Laurie bred thoroughbreds with modest success. They formed a partnership 'TJ, IG & LL Phillips'. | |
The many wins and places they had over the years were at country tracks such as Tatura, Benalla, Wangaratta and Seymour. Laurie was a member at Tatura. The first property they had for the horses was 22 acres on Numurkah Rd, on what was then the outskirts of Shepparton. The property was owned by TJ Phillips & Sons.116,63,113 | |
Hotels and horse racing made for interesting bedfellows. At one time, in late 1947, trucks loaded with beer destined for a race meeting at Shepparton broke down at Seymour. Tom cancelled the race meeting and was quoted in the papers at the time as saying 'it would have been no good running a meeting without beer'.136 | |
Tom's good friend Doc Kennedy was president of the trotting club. One time Tom, Sis and Doc Kennedy visited Keith and Rene while down for the Warrnambool races. One night Keith, Tom and Doc Kennedy went out to get the main course while Rene and Sis prepared the vegies and the rest of the meal. After sitting at the table for ages waiting for the boys to return, Sis and Rene finally gave up and decided they may as well go to bed! [Rene Barnes]13,137 | |
Supporting the Community Tom and Sis were both community-minded, though it was mostly Tom in the limelight. | |
In 1934, the Goulburn Valley lodge of the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes (RAOB) was established in Shepparton and Tom was a member. The order started in 1822, and is known as "The Buffs" to members. Our Order provides aid to its members, their families, dependents of former members, and other charitable organisations. [RAOB][:LIND ]When son Brian was born, he received a cup from RAOB with his name engraved. Tom was an officer until at least 1942.138,139,140,141 | |
Tom and Sis supported fundraisers during their time at the Pine Lodge Hotel in Shepparton East. Sis was involved with the Shepparton East branch of the Country Women's Association. Dances for charity The Shepparton East Hall, decorated with a canopy of roses, made a charming setting on Tuesday night for the dance held in aid of the Queen of Sport (Miss Nell Martin). ... The hall was hired for the dance through the generosity of Mr TJ Phillips who was present with Mrs Phillips, whose vivid red suede crepe frock was trimmed with silver. [May 1939] Other appeals contributed to at the time were for bombing victims in England and the Mooroopna hospital.38,142,143,144 | |
The Shepparton carnival was held each year around New Years day. It had footrunning including the Shepparton Gift, amateur and professional cycling, and other novelty events. From 1944, a month after starting at the Hotel Australia, Tom ran the liquor booth at no cost and donated the entire proceeds to the carnival. Each year until 1948, when he raised £86, the committee publicly thanked Tom for his generosity.145,146,147,148 | |
Tom was instrumental in the post-war revival of the Shepparton Jockey Club. He was elected inaugural president in May 1946 when they adopted their constitution, and moved from that role to committee in July 1950. The club held fundraisers in aid of the Mooroopna hospital, Legacy, Mooroopna Recreation Reserve and Returned Sailors', Soldiers' & Airmen's Imperial League of Australia (later RSL).149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159 | |
Racing Revival At a meeting in the Foresters' hall on Friday night it was decided to re-form the Shepparton Jockey Club. It is understood that the club will negotiate shortly to conduct meetings at Mooroopna, in suggestion being a two day combined meeting in an effort to attract Melbourne entries. Mr T Phillips presided at the meeting and Mr Bert Heavey acted as recording secretary. Mr Heavey was secretary of the Shepparton Jockey Club when it ceased operations in the depression, and has consistently sought a revival. A provisional committee was appointed consisting of Messrs T Phillips (chairman), HB Heavey (secretary), LC Abernethy, E Crilly and D Clarke, and applications for racing dates will be made to the VRC and North Eastern District Racing Association. [May 1946] JOCKEY CLUB HAS AUSPICIOUS START Bright Future For District Racing With a profit of £403 18/5 Shepparton Jockey Club has been firmly re-established and at the annual meeting on Tuesday night it was reported that arrangements are proceeding smoothly for the Mooroopna course to become the hub of registered racing in the Goulburn Valley. ... The secretary, Mr Bert Heavey, reported that the club was formed, after a lapse of 14 years, on May 10, 1946, with Mr Tom Phillips as president and its successful season had already established it as one of the best clubs in the North Eastern District Racing Association. The committee was working with the trustees of the Mooroopna reserve and the Mooroopna race club to make the track one of the most popular in the Association. ... Mr TJ Phillips was unanimously re-elected president. [June 1947] New Top Executive for Jockey Club The Foresters Hall held a capacity audience last night when the annual meeting of the Shepparton Jockey club was conducted ... Mr TJ Phillips retired from the position of president, and while it had been known that this gentleman would not allow himself to be re-elected, there was a natural but genuine regret that the 'old silver top' was vacating the chair. It was an encouragement to the members to know that Mr Phillips had retained his seat on the committee, for as members pointed out 'such talented men couid not be allowed to drift from the club completely'. [Jul 1950]160,150,157 | |
Tom was also a foundation member of the Goulburn Valley Trotting Club. Meetings were held on Wednesday nights at the Shepparton showgrounds. In March 1954, he sponsored the TJ Phillips Trotters' Handicap.37,161,91,162 | |
Tom was once a member of the Dads' Association, the main activity of which was to support ex-servicemen and their families through frequent visits to Mooroopna hospital, food and cigarette supplies, and lobbying council and the state government for improvements to services affecting them.163,164,165 | |
From the mid 1940s, Tom supported the local football association with trophy donations.166,167,168,169 | |
In 1949, Tom donated an engraved premiership cup to the Shepparton Hockey Association. Daughter Rene played in one of the teams.170 | |
In the 1950s, Tom helped raise money for boxing, supporting well known and successful boxer Max Carlos. Max's mother-in-law, May Jones, worked at the Hotel Australia.171 | |
Tom supported local schools with their fundraising efforts: He [Brother Egbert, St Colman's, Shepparton] also did the rounds of the local pubs. His first call was to Tom Phillips of The Australia Hotel. who donated an 18-gallon barrel; then proceeded to ring around the other publicans with the challenge, "I've just given an 18. What are you going to give?" In fact Egbert came to be so well known that he had only to set foot in one of the local hotels, as he frequently did on these missions, to be greeted with the call: "Brother, have a drink with us." He took to carrying his own 2 oz glass, by which device he was able to accede to these offers of hospitality without falling off his bike on the way home.172 | |
Tom's support for the community included other hotels: Hotel keeping is a highly competitive business but Tom Phillips has earned the respect and admiration of his competitors. Mr Neville Coe of Mooroopna's Royal Mail Hotel summed up the feeling of Goulburn Valley publicans. 'Tom and Mrs Phillips have always been clean and fair competitors, always ready and willing to assist when things go wrong for someone else,' he said. [Tom Carey, '50 years of memories']39 | |
This is what was said about Sis Phillips on the occasion of the couple's 50th wedding anniversary: 'There's not a great deal you can say about mum', Reg Phillips said yesterday, 'except she's been a great mother and housewife'. 'The Phillips family is a credit to Shepparton and largely responsible for this is the wonderful guidance given by their parents', Cr Riordan said. 'Tom Phillips is one of the best loved men this city has and Mrs Phillips has been a wonderful backstop for her husband and a magnificent mother'. [Tom Carey, '50 years of memories']39 | |
Later Years | |
Tom and Sis had 31 grandchildren, though one died as an infant.![]() Irene 'Sis' Phillips with Lesley Barnes, Tom Phillips with Warren Barnes, c. 1954 Image: Lesley Blythman ![]() Catherine Phillips & Irene 'Sis' Phillips (McDonald), rear Hotel Australia, c. 1954 Image: Catherine Wayman ![]() Back: Sis Phillips, Rene Barnes, Catherine Phillips, Warren, Maree & Kevin Barnes, John Phillips, Lesley Barnes with Ellen Barnes; front: Tony Barnes?, Paul Phillips, Tom Phillips?, Trevor Phillips, Adrian Barnes, Brendan Phillips?; Reg & Madge's pool, Maude St, Shepparton, c. 1966 Image: Lesley Blythman ![]() Sis & Tom Phillips (50th wedding anniversary), Nene Courtie, Jack Phillips, Ellen Barnes (front), 1972 Image: Lesley Blythman ![]() Tom & Sis Phillips at their 50th wedding anniversary with great-granddaughter Tania Blythman, 1972 Image: Lesley Blythman ![]() Sis Phillips, possibly with Nicole Wayman, Karen Phillips (back), Tom Phillips with Keith Blythman, Tania Blythman (standing), Nov 1973 Image: Nene Courtie | |
When twins Nene and Sis turned 80 in 1983, the family gathered to mark the occasion. | |
After moving out of the Hotel Australia in 1979, Tom and Sis moved into a unit in Corio St. Tom died in 1980. Irene Gladys Phillips had atherosclerosis and emphysema, and died of heart failure in Shepparton on 17 December 1987, aged 84. She had lived for over forty years with only one lung. She was buried next to Tom at Pine Lodge cemetery in Shepparton East on 20 July 1987.4 | |
Sis's Will Sis Phillips left a simple will with the balance of her estate being split equally between all six children.173 |
- [S5] Irene Gladys McDonald, birth registration no. 9877/1943, 4 April 1903.
- [S374] Irene Gladys Steer, birth registration no. 8482, 4 April 1903.
- [S11] Thomas James Phillips and Irene Gladys McDonald, marriage registration no. 7536, 9 September 1922.
- [S385] Irene Gladys Phillips, death registration no. 16864/87, 17 July 1987.
- [S270] Victorian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, registry and index, Doris May McDonald entry, birth registration no. 9876, 1943.
- [S270] Victorian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, registry and index, Irene Gladys McDonald entry, birth registration no. 9877, 1943.
- [S375] Doris May Steer, birth registration no. 8481, 4 April 1903.
- [S220] 'Board and lodging: Madame Morris', The Argus, 1848-1957, newspaper, Argus Office, 19 June 1909, p. 1, viewed 3 June 2021, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/10684155
- [S2] 'Lying-in home (1890s-1920s)', Find & Connect, online, 2020, viewed 3 June 2021 https://www.findandconnect.gov.au/ref/wa/biogs/WE00650b.htm
- [S376] From the Memories of the Life of Beatrice Lee, unpublished, 1987, p. 2.
- [S52] Doris 'Nene' Courtie, personal communication, 10 November 2001.
- [S281] 'Phillips Family', Facebook, webpage, Facebook Inc, group created 25 June 2011, 3 April 2012 post by Irene Barnes.
- [S15] Irene Barnes, personal communication, 4 December 2013.
- [S146] Edwardian Index Victoria 1902-1913: Indexes to births deaths and marriages in Victoria, CD-ROM, Macbeth Genealogical Services, 1997.
- [S53] Donald Glenorchy McDonald and Alice Euphemia Steer, marriage registration no. 4052, 12 May 1910.
- [S391] Violet Alice McDonald, birth registration no. 23071, 2 July 1908.
- [S392] Australia, Electoral Rolls 1903-1980, online, division of Wimmera, subdivision of Swan Hill, 1909.
- [S392] Australia, Electoral Rolls 1903-1980, online, division of Wimmera, subdivision of Swan Hill, 1912.
- [S392] Australia, Electoral Rolls 1903-1980, online, division of Wimmera, subdivision of Swan Hill, 1913.
- [S392] Australia, Electoral Rolls 1903-1980, online, division of Wimmera, subdivision of Swan Hill, 1914.
- [S39] 'The sheep dipping act', Swan Hill Guardian and Lake Boga Advocate, 1892-1937, newspaper, A Knox Chapman, 13 July 1914, p. 3, viewed 25 June 2021, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/87217083
- [S39] 'Red Cross Society: Nyah branch', Swan Hill Guardian and Lake Boga Advocate, 1892-1937, newspaper, A Knox Chapman, 28 September 1914, p. 2, viewed 25 June 2021, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/87216824
- [S188] On 'This Bend' of the River, Nyah district centenary committee, 1993, p. 110. This was probably around 1913-1915 because at the time railway workers camped in the Nyah area as the rail line was being built from Swan Hill to Piangil, through Nyah West (or Nyah Rail as it was then known).
- [S58] Violet 'Bub' Williams, personal communication, 28 December 1999.
- [S257] 'Doris delights in 100th birthday', Shepparton News, 4 April 2003, p. 5.
- [S58] Violet 'Bub' Williams, personal communication, 1 September 1996.
- [S39] '(Advertising)', Swan Hill Guardian and Lake Boga Advocate, 1892-1937, newspaper, A Knox Chapman, 4 March 1918, p. 3, viewed 3 July 2021, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/87265559
- [S188] On 'This Bend' of the River, Nyah district centenary committee, 1993, p. 111.
- [S58] Violet 'Bub' Williams, personal communication, 7 July 1996.
- [S392] Australia, Electoral Rolls 1903-1980, online, division of Wimmera, subdivision of Swan Hill, 1921.
- [S39] 'Nyah picnic sports', Swan Hill Guardian and Lake Boga Advocate, 1892-1937, newspaper, A Knox Chapman, 6 January 1916, p. 2, viewed 7 June 2013, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article92121872
- [S188] On 'This Bend' of the River, Nyah district centenary committee, 1993, pp. 68-70.
- [S665] 'London College of Music: Swan Hill centre', Bendigo Independent, 1862-1918, newspaper, Bendigo Independent Pty Ltd, 13 December 1917, p. 8, viewed 5 June 2021, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/219852042
- [S665] 'London College of Music', Bendigo Independent, 1862-1918, newspaper, Bendigo Independent Pty Ltd, 15 June 1918, p. 5, viewed 5 June 2021, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/226798140
- [S108] Pauline Wilson, personal communication, 30 December 1996.
- [S52] Doris 'Nene' Courtie, personal communication, 30 December 1996.
- [S247] 'Mine host pulls his last glass', Shepparton News, 27 September 1979, p. 9.
- [S15] Irene Barnes, personal communication, 5 October 2012.
- [S259] '50 years of memories', Shepparton News, September 1972.
- [S392] Australia, Electoral Rolls 1903-1980, online, Commonwealth division of Echuca, state division of Goulburn Valley, subdivision of Shepparton, 1924.
- [S392] Australia, Electoral Rolls 1903-1980, online, Commonwealth division of Echuca, Victorian division of Goulburn Valley, subdivision of Shepparton, 1925.
- [S104] Laurence Lloyd Phillips, birth registration no. 35021, unknown date.
- [S233] Shepparton Shire & Town Rates Index, 1885-1939/1941, computer file, Shepparton Family History Group, Phillips entries.
- [S260] 'The greatest real estate sale ever held in Shepparton', Goulburn Valley Stock and Property Journal, 1910-1963, newspaper, Horan & Simpson, 9 July 1924, p. 2, viewed 31 July 2019, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/215110804
- [S561] LANDATA, online property information, Certificate of title, vol. 2329, folio 702, Shepparton 1891-1938.
- [S2] 'Arnotts Milk Arrowroot', Simply Australian, online, Cincinnati, Ohio, viewed 13 July 2014 https://www.simplyoz.com/products/australian_foods/…
- [S201] 'Personal', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 18 May 1933, p. 5, viewed 4 May 2019, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/168643381
- [S201] 'Watch this: Shepparton town land sale', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 1 March 1928, p. 5, viewed 5 May 2019, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/179172549
- [S392] Australia, Electoral Rolls 1903-1980, online, Commonwealth division of Echuca, state division of Goulburn Valley, subdivision of Shepparton, 1931 & 1936.
- [S392] Australia, Electoral Rolls 1903-1980, online, division of Echuca, subdivision of Shepparton, 1934.
- [S392] Australia, Electoral Rolls 1903-1980, online, Commonwealth division of Indi, Victorian division of Goulburn Valley, subdivision of Shepparton, 1937.
- [S550] 'stage II: Heritage place datasheets, vol. 4 datasheets Murchison -Z, 2004', Greater Shepparton Heritage Studies, online, GSCC, 2001-, viewed September 2019, http://greatershepparton.com.au/bpi/planning/…
- [S201] 'Snooker', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 10 October 1929, p. 5, viewed 3 July 2021, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/186949381
- [S201] 'Shepparton fatality', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 17 October 1927, p. 9, viewed 3 July 2021, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/190014711
- [S201] 'Health matters', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 27 May 1926, p. 3, viewed 3 July 2021, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/179499786
- [S15] Irene Barnes, personal communication, 5 December 2012.
- [S32] Laurie Phillips, personal communication, 31 August 2019.
- [S32] Laurie Phillips, personal communication, 27 July 2019.
- [S102] Jack Phillips, personal communication, 30 November 1996.
- [S265] Graeme Williams, personal communication, 31 January 2013.
- [S51] Margaret Sellwood, personal communication, 3 March 2012.
- [S148] John Forrester, personal communication, 12 January 2012.
- [S126] Peter Phillips, personal knowledge or recollection.
- [S15] Irene Barnes, personal communication, 5 October 1996.
- [S2] 'K', Australian Slang Dcitionary, online, Librarian Group, 2021, viewed 28 February 2021, https://www.australianslang.org/k/
- [S32] Laurie Phillips, personal communication, 23 May 2019.
- [S281] 'Phillips Family', Facebook, webpage, Facebook Inc, group created 25 June 2011, 5 January 2012 comment by Laurie Phillips in response to 17 December 2011 post by Irene Barnes.
- [S15] Irene Barnes, personal communication, 5 October 1996 and 5 October 2012.
- [S58] Violet 'Bub' Williams, personal communication, 1 September and 30 December 1996.
- [S32] Laurie Phillips, personal communication, 10 December 2012.
- [S201] 'From Patricia's diary', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 28 October 1940, p. 2, viewed 21 September 2019, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/174617792
- [S201] 'From Patricia's diary', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 11 November 1940, p. 3, viewed 21 September 2019, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/174618183
- [S201] 'From Patricia's diary', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 18 November 1940, p. 2, viewed 21 September 2019, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/174618348
- [S37] Margaret Deveney, personal communication, 14 April 1996.
- [S32] Laurie Phillips, personal communication, 28 September 1996.
- [S201] 'Personal', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 24 December 1942, p. 2, viewed 25 February 2021, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/175500052
- [S201] 'Hotel changes hands', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 14 November 1944, p. 1, viewed 21 June 2017, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/171821935
- [S201] 'Personal', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 14 May 1943, p. 2, viewed 31 July 2019, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/175183975
- [S201] 'Personal', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 26 May 1944, p. 2, viewed 4 May 2019, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/171819405
- [S260] 'J McNamara & Co: Houses', Goulburn Valley Stock and Property Journal, 1910-1963, newspaper, Horan & Simpson, 23 July 1941, p. 4, viewed 4 May 2019, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/217932986
- [S58] Violet 'Bub' Williams, personal communication, 28 September 1996.
- [S281] 'Phillips Family', Facebook, webpage, Facebook Inc, group created 25 June 2011, comment by Irene Barnes in 3 September 2013 post by Laurie Phillips.
- [S264] Don Phillips, personal communication, 28 June 2015.
- [S201] 'Patricia's diary', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 9 Mar 1945, p. 9, viewed 4 May 2019, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/170425812
- [S126] Peter Phillips, personal knowledge or recollection, discussion with Laurie Phillips.
- [S201] 'Miss Rene Phillips honored', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 6 April 1951, p. 2, viewed 7 July 2021, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/170013823
- [S255] 'Phillips Laurence Lloyd', A6770 Service Cards for Petty Officers and Men, 1911-1970, control symbol 'Phillips L L', service record, 1944-1947.
- [S256] 'Phillips Reginald', A6770 Service Cards for Petty Officers and Men, 1911-1970, control symbol 'Phillips R', service record, 1942-1946.
- [S254] 'Phillips John Lawrence', A9301 RAAF Personnel files of Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) and other ranks, 1921-1948, control symbol 58064, service record, 1942-1946.
- [S16] Catherine Wayman, personal communication, 2 March 2013.
- [S214] Tom Carey, personal communication, May 2001.
- [S201] 'Thefts from hotel', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 28 February 1947, p. 1, viewed 3 October 2020, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/173893663
- [S201] 'Easter weddings celebrated: Bridal gown of Swiss organdie worn by Miss Madge Helmer', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 2 April 1948, p. 9, viewed 8 August 2017, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/169558527
- [S215] Trevor J Phillips, personal communication, 21 November 2013.
- [S201] 'From Patricia's Diary', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 31 January 1947, p. 2, viewed 23 May 2021, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/173893007
- [S201] 'From Patricia's Diary', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 22 February 1949, p. 6, viewed 5 May 2020, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/188079274
- [S201] 'From Patricia's Diary', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 13 May 1949, p. 7, viewed 23 May 2021, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/188081171
- [S201] 'From Patricia's Diary', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 29 May 1951, p. 8, viewed 23 May 2021, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/170015100
- [S201] 'From Patricia's Diary', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 10 January 1950, p. 6, viewed 23 May 2021, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/189064966
- [S201] 'From Patricia's Diary', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 26 January 1951, p. 2, viewed 23 May 2021, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/170012190
- [S201] 'From Patricia's Diary', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 17 August 1951, p. 2, viewed 23 May 2021, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/170017322
- [S201] 'Patricia's Diary', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 23 May 1952, p. 5, viewed 23 May 2021, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/172851663
- [S201] 'Patricia's Diary', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 13 February 1953, p. 7, viewed 23 May 2021, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/173889935
- [S201] Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, issues to 26 June 1953, viewed 25 May 2021, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/title/331
- [S408] Brian Phillips, personal communication, 2 June 2015.
- [S310] 'Hotel Australia Shepparton', VPRS 7712 License Case Files (sample only retained), consignment no. P0002, unit no. 11, 1944-1981.
- [S215] Trevor J Phillips, personal communication, 15 February 2015.
- [S215] Trevor J Phillips, personal communication, 28 October 2013.
- [S269] Lesley Blythman, personal communication, 27 April 2016.
- [S400] 'TJ Phillips & Sons', 1955-1981, company documents.
- [S215] Trevor J Phillips, personal communication, 29 October 2013.
- [S629] TJ Phillips & Sons Pty Ltd: Report on shareholders valuations, document, 8 May 1981.
- [S664] Memo to: Shareholders: TJ Phillips & Sons Pty Ltd (in liquidation), document, November 1981.
- [S628] 'Thomas James Phillips', will, 22 February 1962.
- [S201] 'At the Shepparton races', Shepparton Advertiser, 1914-1953, newspaper, Thomas Pettit and William Callender, 3 December 1948, p. 11, viewed 13 May 2018, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/169564199
- [S32] Laurie Phillips, personal communication.
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- [S697] 'Irene Gladys Phillips', will, c. 1984.
- [S7] Irene Alice Phillips, birth registration no. 32713, 11 October 1929.